7. Chiffrement AES en mode ECB

7. Chiffrement AES en mode ECB

AES in ECB mode

The Base64-encoded content in this file has been encrypted via AES-128 in ECB mode under the key
(case-sensitive, without the quotes; exactly 16 characters; I like "YELLOW SUBMARINE" because it's exactly 16 bytes long, and now you do too).
Decrypt it. You know the key, after all.
Easiest way: use OpenSSL::Cipher and give it AES-128-ECB as the cipher.

Do this with code.
You can obviously decrypt this using the OpenSSL command-line tool, but we're having you get ECB working in code for a reason. You'll need it a lot later on, and not just for attacking ECB.

Miroir du fichier texte

Le but de cette exercice est de découvrir les bases du déchiffrement avec OpenSSL et son utilisation via un language de programmation. Ici il ne faut pas recoder à la main le comportement du mode ECB mais plutôt s'assurer que l'on arrive bien à créer une fonction de déchiffrement en utilisant des librairies existantes.

C'est également une introduction aux limitations et risques de ECB en terme de chiffrement.

Déchiffrer AES en mode ECB

Si vous utilisez Python je vous recommande l'excellent package PyCrypto qui intègre de nombreuses méthodes de chiffrement et déchiffrement, dont AES en mode ECB.

La solution est relativement simple en utilisant pycrypto:

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from base64 import b64decode

file = open('7.txt', 'r')
cipher_text = b64decode("".join(file.read().splitlines()))

aes_object = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
result = aes_object.decrypt(cipher_text)

Ce qui donne le résultat:

I'm back and I'm ringin' the bell
A rockin' on the mike while the fly girls yell
In ecstasy in the back of me
Well that's my DJ Deshay cuttin' all them Z's
Hittin' hard and the girlies goin' crazy
Vanilla's on the mike, man I'm not lazy.

I'm lettin' my drug kick in
It controls my mouth and I begin
To just let it flow, let my concepts go
My posse's to the side yellin', Go Vanilla Go!

Smooth 'cause that's the way I will be
And if you don't give a damn, then
Why you starin' at me
So get off 'cause I control the stage
There's no dissin' allowed
I'm in my own phase
The girlies sa y they love me and that is ok
And I can dance better than any kid n' play

Stage 2 -- Yea the one ya' wanna listen to
It's off my head so let the beat play through
So I can funk it up and make it sound good
1-2-3 Yo -- Knock on some wood
For good luck, I like my rhymes atrocious
I'm an effect and that you can bet
I can take a fly girl and make her wet.

I'm like Samson -- Samson to Delilah
There's no denyin', You can try to hang
But you'll keep tryin' to get my style
Over and over, practice makes perfect
But not if you're a loafer.

You'll get nowhere, no place, no time, no girls
Soon -- Oh my God, homebody, you probably eat
Spaghetti with a spoon! Come on and say it!

VIP. Vanilla Ice yep, yep, I'm comin' hard like a rhino
Intoxicating so you stagger like a wino
So punks stop trying and girl stop cryin'
Vanilla Ice is sellin' and you people are buyin'
'Cause why the freaks are jockin' like Crazy Glue
Movin' and groovin' trying to sing along
All through the ghetto groovin' this here song
Now you're amazed by the VIP posse.

Steppin' so hard like a German Nazi
Startled by the bases hittin' ground
There's no trippin' on mine, I'm just gettin' down
Sparkamatic, I'm hangin' tight like a fanatic
You trapped me once and I thought that
You might have it
So step down and lend me your ear
'89 in my time! You, '90 is my year.

You're weakenin' fast, YO! and I can tell it
Your body's gettin' hot, so, so I can smell it
So don't be mad and don't be sad
'Cause the lyrics belong to ICE, You can call me Dad
You're pitchin' a fit, so step back and endure
Let the witch doctor, Ice, do the dance to cure
So come up close and don't be square
You wanna battle me -- Anytime, anywhere

You thought that I was weak, Boy, you're dead wrong
So come on, everybody and sing this song

Say -- Play that funky music Say, go white boy, go white boy go
play that funky music Go white boy, go white boy, go
Lay down and boogie and play that funky music till you die.

Play that funky music Come on, Come on, let me hear
Play that funky music white boy you say it, say it
Play that funky music A little louder now
Play that funky music, white boy Come on, Come on, Come on
Play that funky music

Déchiffrement en utilisant OpenSSL en ligne de commande

Même si c'est précisément le contraire de ce qui est demandé dans l'énoncé, je pense qu'il est pertinent de savoir utilisé l'outil OpenSSL directement en ligne de commande.

Pour cela la première étape est de convertir la clef YELLOW SUBMARINE en hexadécimal:

$ echo "YELLOW SUBMARINE"| tr -d '\n' | xxd -ps -c 200 

Une fois cela fait, on l'utilise comme clef de déchiffrement:

$ openssl aes-128-ecb  -d -nosalt -nopad -K 59454c4c4f57205355424d4152494e45 -in 7.txt -out decoded.txt -a

Le fichier decoded.txt contient le texte déchiffré, identique à celui trouvé via Python.